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Legislative work aimed at phasing out the right of perpetual usufruct is underway
The government’s draft reform of perpetual usufruct in Poland focuses on changing the rules and method for determining the price for sale of a property to its perpetual usufructuary. Additionally, perpetual usufructuaries are granted a claim to acquire the property they hold. This is part of the process of phasing out perpetual usufruct entirely.
Legislative work aimed at phasing out the right of perpetual usufruct is underway
Greenwashing: How to communicate without misleading?
In the face of the climate crisis, the interest in sustainability issues is growing. This increasingly brings the issue of greenwashing to the fore. “Greenwashing” refers to creation of a false impression among the public regarding the supposedly green practices applied by a business or the environmental benefits of its goods and services. Typically greenwashing is used to raise the attractiveness of goods or services in the eyes of prospective buyers, and thus to increase sales and attract customers. But sometimes the spread of misleading ecological messages is simply due to ignorance.
Greenwashing: How to communicate without misleading?
European Sustainability Reporting Standards
In November 2022, the leaves were falling from the trees to the rhythm of ESG. First, the European Parliament and then the Council of the European Union approved the draft Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. Then the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group submitted the first set of draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards to the European Commission.
European Sustainability Reporting Standards
(R)evolution in packaging
An end to the mass discarding of packaging and waste. Instead, recycling, refillable packaging, a deposit on plastic bottles and limits on disposable bags. Such changes are proposed in a new draft regulation of the European Commission. The changes are to be implemented gradually.
(R)evolution in packaging
Proposed revision of rail transport regulations
Under a proposed amendment to Poland’s Rail Transport Act, it will be easier to obtain siting decisions for rail projects and expand logistics centres and railroad sidings on rail land, and train travel should be safer.
Proposed revision of rail transport regulations
Hydrogen regulations headed for public consultation
On 21 October 2022, a draft act to amend the Energy Law and certain other acts was published on the website of the Government Legislation Centre, implementing the Polish Hydrogen Strategy. The proposal aims to create a stable regulatory environment for the hydrogen market in Poland.
Hydrogen regulations headed for public consultation
New sustainability reporting
The proposed Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive is now on the EU legislative agenda. It would amend the existing reporting rules established by the Non-Financial Reporting Directive, which are a weakness of the current system. Ultimately, the new directive is intended to contribute to a fully sustainable European market.
New sustainability reporting
Vehicle forfeiture: A problem for employers?
On 7 February 2022, the Polish Sejm adopted an amendment to the Criminal Code introducing a controversial proposal for ordering the forfeiture of vehicles driven by intoxicated traffic offenders. Ordered by the criminal court, the change of ownership from the driver to the State Treasury is intended to help the justice system effectively combat road hogs and drunk drivers. The amendment is currently being considered by the Senate, which can still make changes. But it can already be predicted that rulings on vehicle forfeitures will face difficulties.
Vehicle forfeiture: A problem for employers?
EU proposes Regulation on nature restoration
In June 2022, the European Commission presented a proposal for new legislative solutions to restore ecosystems and enhance biodiversity in Europe. This innovative set of provisions will require member states to design and implement specific measures to restore the damaged environment of the European Union.
EU proposes Regulation on nature restoration
Bill amending the 10H Act to enlarge the area accessible to onshore wind farms is closer and closer to adoption
In recent months, the wind power sector in Poland has observed the progress of work on a bill to amend the Wind Energy Investment Act and certain other laws. It is much-awaited by the industry, due to the stringent “10H rule” still in force. On 15 June 2022, the Minister of Climate and Environment submitted the bill to the government’s Legal Committee.
Bill amending the 10H Act to enlarge the area accessible to onshore wind farms is closer and closer to adoption
New rules for waste management in ports
A government bill on port reception facilities for waste from ships (print no. 2223) was released in May 2022. The bill would implement into Polish law Directive (EU) 2019/883 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on port reception facilities for the delivery of waste from ships, and is intended to adapt Polish ports to global and local market requirements.
New rules for waste management in ports
Will the proposed changes to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act improve the real estate development process?
A proposal to amend the regulations on issuance of project permits was released on 18 May 2022. The proposal is expected to streamline development procedures, primarily for issuing decisions on environmental conditions.
Will the proposed changes to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act improve the real estate development process?