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A chance for a resurgence of onshore wind power investments in Poland
The long-awaited rules for construction of wind farms have been announced. On 4 May 2021, a bill to amend the Act on Wind Power Plant Projects (aka the “Distance Act” or “10H Act”) was published on the Government Legislation Centre website. Its adoption may once again stimulate the growth of wind power, which not long ago was the most dynamic branch of renewable energy sources in Poland.
A chance for a resurgence of onshore wind power investments in Poland
Developers Guarantee Fund: More drawbacks than benefits?
Work is underway on a bill called the Act on Protection of the Rights of Acquirers of Residential Units or Single-Family Houses and the Developers Guarantee Fund (print 985). The bill was approved by the Sejm, the Senate adopted amendments, and the bill will now be reconsidered by the Sejm. Entry into force of the new act will impose additional new duties on developers. The aim is to better protect homebuyers against the loss of funds invested in residential developments, particularly when the developer becomes insolvent before the project is completed. Is the new instrument likely to fulfil its intended function?
Developers Guarantee Fund: More drawbacks than benefits?
Single-use plastics will disappear, new obligations will be imposed on businesses
Nearly two months ago the Ministry of Climate and Environment published a proposal to implement the Single-Use Plastics Directive ((EU) 2019/904) into Polish law. The amendment is supposed to enter into force no later than 3 July 2021, but it is raising many doubts.
Single-use plastics will disappear, new obligations will be imposed on businesses
Veggie burgers will still be a thing
On 23 October 2020 the European Parliament voted on amendments to the CMO Regulation (1308/2013). Ultimately the lawmakers decided not to ban the use of names alluding to meat in relation to plant substitutes. It will still be possible to buy vegetarian sausage in stores and order veggie burgers in restaurants. But makers of ersatz dairy products may face a tougher time.
Veggie burgers will still be a thing
Taxation of real estate companies
On 30 September 2020, an extensive set of proposed amendments to tax laws was submitted to the Polish Parliament. We have already written about how general partnerships and limited partnerships are to be taxed. In this article, we describe the planned form of taxation of income from the sale of real estate companies and related doubts.
Taxation of real estate companies
Planned rules for imposing corporate income tax on limited partnerships from 2021
The guidelines for imposing corporate income tax on limited partnerships and some registered partnerships have now been stated with more specificity. On 16 September 2020 a draft Act Amending the Personal Income Tax Act, the Corporate Income Tax Act, the Act on Flat-Rate Taxation of Certain Income of Natural Persons, and Certain Other Acts (draft no. UD126) was published on the website of Poland’s Government Legislation Centre. The draft and the extensive justification for the proposal provide details of the rules for taxation of limited partnerships from 2021 forward. It should be borne in mind that these rules may change during the course of the legislative process.
Planned rules for imposing corporate income tax on limited partnerships from 2021
Limited partnerships and some registered partnerships to be subject to corporate income tax
The Ministry of Finance intends to impose corporate income tax on limited partnerships, and on registered partnerships whose shareholders (taxpayers participating in their profits) are not disclosed. These types of partnerships will probably become CIT payers starting from 2021.
Limited partnerships and some registered partnerships to be subject to corporate income tax
W kwestii pouczeń pisanych po ludzku na razie obeszliśmy się smakiem
W naszym tegorocznym Roczniku pisaliśmy o podjętych przez Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości pracach koncepcyjnych nad projektem rozporządzenia, które miało określać wzory pouczeń udzielanych na piśmie. Reforma Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego wprowadzona ustawą z 4 lipca 2019 r. przewidywała bowiem, że z uwagi na potrzebę ustandaryzowania pouczeń i zredagowania ich w sposób prosty i przystępny dla stron postępowania, Minister Sprawiedliwości określi ich wzory w drodze rozporządzenia w ciągu roku od dnia ogłoszenia ustawy nowelizującej. Po upływie dziesięciu miesięcy ustawodawca wycofuje się jednak z zaproponowanego rozwiązania i w drodze kolejnej tarczy antykryzysowej zamierza derogować przepisy reformy wprowadzające art. 5 § 2 i 3 k.p.c.
W kwestii pouczeń pisanych po ludzku na razie obeszliśmy się smakiem
Anti-crisis shield
The main points of the “Economic and social anti-crisis shield to protect businesses and employees in connection with the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic” was presented by the President, the Prime Minister, a group of other ministers, and the president of the National Bank of Poland at a press conference on 18 March 2020.
Anti-crisis shield
Showdown in the penalty area: An opportunity for change in sport?
Will the need to seek state aid due to the COVID-19 pandemic encourage sports unions to implement good governance principles?
Showdown in the penalty area: An opportunity for change in sport?
Coronavirus: Shielding package for business
Ministerstwo Rozwoju zapowiedziało, że opracuje projekt specustawy wprowadzającej kompleksowe wsparcie dla przedsiębiorców, których działalność zostanie dotknięta w związku z rozprzestrzenianiem się Covid-19. Nie jest jeszcze znany konkretny kształt tych regulacji, ale zgodnie z zapowiedziami projekt ma trafić na posiedzenie sejmu w dniu 25 marca i zostać wprowadzony z dniem 1 kwietnia.
Coronavirus: Shielding package for business
Special Offshore Bill
The long-awaited bill on offshore wind farms was published on 15 January 2020. The bill is to establish mechanisms and instruments for supporting the generation of electricity by offshore wind farms, and, to a certain extent, conditions for the preparation and construction of such projects.
Special Offshore Bill