News from Poland | In Principle

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News from Poland

News from Poland—Business & Law. Recognition in Poland of bankruptcy of a foreign company
The newest episode of news from Poland explains what the effects of bankruptcy will be on the Polish assets of a company and on its Polish creditors and, above all, what recognition of foreign bankruptcy is, what it is needed for and what it consists of.
News from Poland—Business & Law. Recognition in Poland of bankruptcy of a foreign company
News from Poland—Business & Law: tax offence at a company – who’s liable for the crime?
The newest episode of News from Poland is about who may be held liable for tax offences committed at a company. The issue is explained by Jakub Znamierowski, PhD, adwokat and senior associate in the firm's Criminal Law Practice.  
News from Poland—Business & Law: tax offence at a company – who’s liable for the crime?
News from Poland—Business & Law: demerger by spin-off
In the newest episode of News from Poland, Piotr Ząbkiewicz from the firm's M&A Practice, discusses a new, useful type of company division: the demerger by spin-off.
News from Poland—Business & Law: demerger by spin-off
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 43: E-Delivery: A revolution in businesses’ communication
In the newest episode of "News from Poland. Business and Law" Zuzanna Śladowska in a conversation with Konrad Grotowski, explains the revolution that is coming in how Polish firms will communicate with state, local administration and the courts.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 43: E-Delivery: A revolution in businesses’ communication
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 42: Legal risks of using generative AI and how to mitigate them
In this episode dr Iga Małobęcka-Szwast, LL.M., discusses what are the legal risks of using generative AI and how to mitigate them.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 42: Legal risks of using generative AI and how to mitigate them
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 41: dawn raid
The newest episode of "News from Poland" is about dawn raids, that is unexpected visits from law enforcement. How to prepare for it and how to react? You will hear from Jakub Znamierowski, who represents clients in white-collar crime matters, leads internal investigations and specializes in corporate criminal liability.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 40: Tax implications of a shareholder loan
In this episode Jakub Macek discusses tax implications of a shareholder loan.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 40: Tax implications of a shareholder loan
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 39: how to deal with personal data breaches?
In this episode dr Iga Małobędzka-Szwast, LL.M., discusses how to deal with personal data breaches.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 39: how to deal with personal data breaches?
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 38: procedure to approve an arrangement
In the newest episode Jakub Kokowski discusses the most common type of restructuring procedure in Poland, that is the procedure to approve an arrangement.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 38: procedure to approve an arrangement
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 37: Employment Without an Establishment (EWE)
In this episode, Magdalena Świtajska explains how foreign firms may directly employ workers in Poland.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 37: Employment Without an Establishment (EWE)
News from Poland—Business & Law, episode 35: Documents demands and dawn raids
In this episode Artur Pietryka discusses how a company should react if it is served with a demand from law enforcement to provide documents or information.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 34: ESG in debt finance
In this episode of News from Poland—Business & Law, Stefan Feliniak describes how the ESG trend is affecting corporate lending.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 34: ESG in debt finance