Land and mortgage registers available online | In Principle

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Land and mortgage registers available online

From 16 June 2010 it is no longer necessary to stand in line at the land and mortgage register court. The Polish Ministry of Justice has created free, universal access to allow the public to review land and mortgage registers in electronic form.

So far the Central Database of Land and Mortgage Registers contains over 12 million of the total 18.8 million existing registers. The process of “migration” of registers, i.e. transferring the contents of the old paper registers into electronic form and adding them to the Central Database, should be finished by 2013.
The website of the Ministry of Justice contains a current list of computerised register court divisions with an indication of the ones in which the migration process has been completed.
Land and mortgage registers in the Central Database may be reviewed online by providing the number of the electronic register. The content of the register may be reviewed, together with notations made by the court. There are also plans for enabling users to obtain an electronic copy of the land and mortgage register online.
Free online access to land and mortgage registers should significantly improve the security of real estate transactions. It will even be possible to check the register when signing a purchase deed. This is another step in the direction of making court registers maintained by the Ministry of Justice truly open.
The interface for reviewing land and mortgage registers is available at