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Joanna Krakowiak

Food Law 2019. Vegan food—what does it really mean?
The controversial judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in TofuTown (C-422/16) triggered a long-delayed discussion on the proper labelling of vegetarian and vegan food. This issue, which for a long time has not been a priority for the European Commission, is just becoming one. Will the time of regulatory uncertainty, to the detriment of producers, consumers and regulators, come to an end?
Food Law 2019. Vegan food—what does it really mean?
Transportation service applications to be regulated?
Major changes to the Road Transport Act are in the pipeline. The changes are intended to regulate the activities of firms that act as go-betweens in passenger services, for instance by providing mobile applications or computer software.
Transportation service applications to be regulated?
Can the name of an alcoholic beverage be misleading?
Alongside the trademark, the label of a product must also identify the product itself, so that consumers know what type of product they are being offered. But in the European Union alone, there may be a dozen or more legal definitions of certain alcoholic beverages, such as cider or perry. This means that the qualitative requirements differ across various member states, presenting a huge challenge for producers, particularly when the EU policy agenda has taken up the fight against double standards for foods offered in different parts of the EU.
Can the name of an alcoholic beverage be misleading?
A clean criminal record is no longer sensitive information
The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation enters into force tomorrow (25 May 2018). The GDPR changes the legal classification of data contained in certificates of a clean criminal record. Unlike other changes in the GDPR, this change represents a step toward liberalisation. How will data of this type be treated?
A clean criminal record is no longer sensitive information
Regulated business activity in the Constitution for Business
From 30 April 2018 the main guidelines concerning regulated business activity can be found in the new Business Act. The number of regulatory provisions affecting business activity in Poland will not decrease, but they will be spread more widely across industry-specific regulations. There are also changes favourable to business.
Regulated business activity in the Constitution for Business
CJEU on transparency of medicine registration data
On 5 February 2018 the CJEU issued long-awaited judgments in three cases in one day concerning release to third parties of medicinal product registration documentation. These rulings confirm the European Medicines Agency’s current data transparency policy. How are conflicting interests weighed regarding release of medicine registration data?
CJEU on transparency of medicine registration data
Medical data—keep or delete?
From 25 May 2018 Polish healthcare institutions will face conflicting rules on how to handle medical documentation under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and Polish healthcare laws. The inconsistencies could be eliminated by the new Personal Data Protection Act, but it appears unlikely that work on the new act will end on time. So what should institutions do to limit their regulatory risk?
Medical data—keep or delete?
I know what I'm drinking – Polish version
Consultations have ended on a draft amendment of the Act on Sobriety Education and Countering of Alcoholism as well as the Food Safety and Nutrition Act. They are to raise the awareness of consumers and help them make informed choices, now in relation to alcoholic beverages.
I know what I'm drinking – Polish version
Who must conclude a written contract for supply of agricultural products?
Long-awaited regulations limiting the scope of the duty to conclude written contracts for supply of agricultural products went into force on 22 August 2017. Under the new rules, the requirement for written contracts applies only to supplies of defined groups of agricultural products from farmers operating in Poland.
Who must conclude a written contract for supply of agricultural products?
Pharmacies for pharmacists—but what about patients?
The amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law adopted under the slogan “pharmacies for pharmacists” entered into force on 25 June 2017. What are the strict regulations supposed to protect pharmacists against: a shortage of customers, or excessive expansion of their own business? How will this amendment function, and is there another one ahead under the slogan “pharmacies for patients”?
Pharmacies for pharmacists—but what about patients?
Green light for self-regulation of the drinks industry
In March 2017 the European Commission published a report on labelling of alcoholic beverages. It seems the exemption allowing alcohol producers to avoid placement of information on the ingredients and nutritional value of their drinks is drawing to an end. The beer, wine and spirits industry has 12 months to propose solutions to the Commission reflecting the specific nature of alcoholic beverages but also ensuring effective protection of consumers throughout the European Union.
Green light for self-regulation of the drinks industry
Special oversight of contracts for supply of agricultural products
On 17 February 2017 the president of the Agricultural Market Agency issued a set of instructions entitled “Conditions for Monitoring of Contracts for Supply of Agricultural Products.” The document includes guidelines for the content and procedure for conclusion of such contracts and the rules for monitoring compliance with the obligation to conclude contracts in writing between buyers, sellers and intermediaries trading in agricultural products in Poland.
Special oversight of contracts for supply of agricultural products